The Bruce Series Trailer
The Bruce Series Trailer
For thousands of years, people have been drawn by the beauty, abundance and mystery of Ontario’s rugged Bruce Peninsula. ‘The Bruce’ is a three-part series exploring the history of this storied region.
In Part 1, “The Fishing Chiefs”, the Saugeen Ojibway wage a 150-year struggle to maintain their fishing rights.
In Part 2, “The Last Frontier”, rapid colonization transforms the Bruce landscape and creates prosperous communities. But the population drops by 50% as sons and daughters leave for greener pastures in the west.
In Part 3, “The Peaceful Path”, the coming of tourists and the massive Bruce Nuclear Power Development jumpstarts the Bruce economy. Conservationists recognize the region’s ecological importance, and fight to keep it intact.
This mini-series was created in partnership with the Bruce Historical Society and the Saugeen Ojibway Nations. It was broadcast on TVO in the Spring of 2018, and distributed for free into area schools.
“Series Introduction”
“String Wampum”
“Nothing to Lose”